The name of this organization will be: Greenfield Park Baptist Church
The purpose of this church is to glorify God. Founded on God’s holy word and guided by prayer we are passionately dedicated to the “Great Commission”. By living according to our testimony, in the strength of the Holy Spirit, we reclaim ground for Christ, making disciples and impacting our community so that God will transform hearts and change the world. This we seek to do through Evangelism and Edification of believers. The objectives of this church are legally specified in its’ Letter Patent, on file with the Government.
Members of this church hold to the following covenant: Gladly confessing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour we covenant before God, and with one another, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to live righteous and Godly lives, avoiding all things harmful in our Christian testimony. We will walk together in Christian love, demonstrating to our community the power of the gospel, dedicating ourselves to the advancement of this church, and gladly submitting to its’ moral and doctrinal discipline. We will do our best to attend all its’ regular services, to tithe our income for its support, and to cheerfully bring our offering. We will make prayerful efforts to seek the salvation of the lost, and live in a manner worthy of our calling, to the glory of God.
The doctrinal statement of this church is that of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists in Canada and is found at the end of this constitution. (See Statement of Faith).
Becoming a member of Greenfield Park Baptist Church is available to all who have:
- professed personal faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord;
- been baptized by immersion;
- reached the age of seventeen;
- accepted this constitution;
- been approved by two Elders;
- received approval of the church membership by having their names publicly posted for two weeks without objection.
Members unable to attend any of the regular or business meetings of the church for a period of six months shall cease to be members. This change shall be effected by the Elders who shall notify the Member in question two weeks before the impending change.
Members will be excluded in discipline who fail to cooperate in the spirit of this covenant or the principles of the Word of God. Such discipline will follow the pattern for Matthew 18, and is the responsibility of the Elders to oversee. Such exclusion must be approved by vote of the church membership.
The officers of this church are Elders and Deacons. Elders give oversight to ministry of the church, while the Deacons assist Elders in their work.
The church shall choose Elders and Deacons by election. These officers must be members in good standing. Elders must be men over the age of twenty-one. Deacons may be either men or women. Pastors shall be elected to indefinite terms of office as ex-officio members of the Board of Elders. All other officers shall be elected for two year terms, so arranged, if possible, that half of them be elected each year. After three consecutive terms, an Elder shall be given one years’ leave from the Board.
Each year, during the last two weeks of September, a questionnaire will be distributed to Members, asking them to assess the credentials of all the men eligible to assume responsibilities of an Elder, based on the teachings of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. In October, the Elders will collect the questionnaire, and based on the consensus derived from it, will nominate men to fill any positions which are required to be filled in the upcoming year. The nominations for the vacant Elders’ position will be posted before November 1.
The Board of Elders will also act as the Nominating Committee. Their nominations will be posted annually in December and any further nominations must be given to them two weeks before the Annual Business Meeting, All persons in positions of leadership or teaching in the church must be Members. In keeping with only men shall teach other men.
Board Meetings
The Board of Elders will meet monthly to oversee the work of the church and prayerfully evaluate progress of its Members, Elders will prepare monthly reports on their ministries, and must consider together any matter brought before a business meeting.
Pulpit Committee
The Board of Elders will act as the Pulpit Committee when one is needed. They will present only one name at a time to the church Members for their consideration. The calling of a Pastor will require eighty percent (80%) or more of the Members at the business meeting convened for that purpose. The quorum for this meeting will be 2/3 of the Members.
The Business Meetings
The Members of Greenfield Park Baptist Church shall hold an Annual Business Meeting during the first six weeks of the year, and shall include a discussion of the Financial Statement of the past calendar year. The Nominating Committee will present their report at this meeting. Business Meetings may be held as required, or when requested by two (2) church Members. Such meetings must be announced at a prior meeting at the church. A quorum of 1/3 of the church Members is required at regular Business Meetings. Motions will carry when approved by 2/3 of the Members present.
This constitution may be amended from time to time in conformity with the specific requirements of the Church Incorporation Act. Any such suggested amendments must be posted in the church two weeks in advance.